Volunteer Translator
Translators without Borders responds to communications and language needs in humanitarian and development settings. This means providing vital information to
The TWB mission is to break down language barriers, e.g. with our Words of Relief program
Words of relief program Since November 2015, as part of our response to the European refugee crisis, Translators without Borders
Translation support is vital in a refugee crisis
Here on Lesbos, I tend to disappoint people at first meeting, when they hear about the TWB translation support. My introductory
Meena Bhandari, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies In response to winterizing messages: “I just wanted
Translators without Borders will be at the following events in 2016: Gala Annual Conference When: March 20-23, 2016 What: Gala Annual Conference
Activity Between 2011 and January 2016, Translators without Borders delivered over 30 million translated words to humanitarian organizations. In 2015
Lali Foster, Communications Manager at Translators without Borders, responds to the European Refugee Crisis with an update from work on
Introducing additions to the Translators without Borders team TWB recently appointed two new senior staff positions, Executive Director and Director
The TWB Translator Training Center in Kenya has moved location from Upper Hill to a bit more downtown (see new
In its stated mission to promote a world where knowledge knows no language barriers, Translators without Borders (TWB) has taken