Internews and Translators without Borders are collaborating on a very important project in Greece and the Balkans. NewsthatMoves is  a
Sofia Vlavianou 1. Why did you decide to participate in the work of the Rapid Response Team (RRT)? I have
In February, TWB announced the winners of the 3rd Access to Knowledge Awards.  The awards recognize individuals or organizations that
This issue’s interviewee and Volunteer is Markus Meisl. Markus has been working as a part of the Sponsorship Team for
Translators without Borders latest project: The TWB Cookbook! The Translators without Borders (TWB) Cookbook project, launched in January 2016, was
Words of Comfort, Words of Relief In a crisis, sometimes a word in the right language can make all the
Refugees on a boat. One of the TWB volunteers is volunteering on Chios
Translators without Borders has been working with aid organizations responding to the European Refugee crisis since September. Every day, TWB
Activity Between 2011 (when the Translators without Borders Workspace powered by started running) and September 2015, TWB delivered 27 million
How would you feel if you were trapped deep inside a collapsed building after a massive earthquake, and the only