Eric is an English and German to French translator. Based in Germany, he is currently Translators without Borders’ top contributor,
It is with great pleasure that Translators without Borders announces its new Fund-a-Project crowd-funding initiative. We often are contacted by
20 million words challenge
We are asking new and renewing sponsors to join us now to help us reach 20 million words by next
The Translators without Borders Workspace powered by had reached its record of words processed in June 2012, when 577,315
In the previous issue we highlighted some creative fundraising ideas that some incredible and innovative individuals pursued in order to
This is the story of a group of translators who one year ago were not professional translators. Last month they
Our interviewee for this issue is Sue Fortescue, Volunteer Manager at Translators without Borders (TWB), who has been actively recruiting
Fairstep is a European Union initiative officially founded in October, 2012. The project aims to collect humanitarian, and environmental projects
The call came in on Giving Tuesday. It was from Henry Dotterer, the founder of “We have to do