The Translators without Borders Translation Center powered by keeps adding new and better features, most of them inspired by suggestions or usage patterns from translators and clients.
Feedback from clients is now supported
When a job is completed by our volunteers, a notification is sent to the client including a link to provide feedback on the translations received.
In case the client failed to provide feedback, a second email is sent to them a week after the job completion, with the message “We are constantly working to provide you with the highest quality services. Your valuable feedback will help us maintain and improve the quality of our translations. Please consider following the link below and sharing your experience with this recent job.”

When the client accepts to post their feedback, they are offered basic information on the delivered tasks, and asked to leave feedback on any of them with the following scale:
- Excellent: Surpassed expectations
- Good: In line with expectations
- Satisfactory: Below expectations but usable
- Unacceptable: Not usable

Over 100 evaluations have been received so far, most of them ranging from Excellent to Good. This information will be used for monitoring and improving the quality of translations in the Workspace.
Feedback from reviewers
An additional feature for review of the translations and feedback by volunteers in the translation center has been partially implemented and it will further improve quality and complement our screening procedures (for instance enabling the participation of novice translators supervised by experienced professionals).
Going mobile
It is now possible for clients, translators and project managers to access the Translation Center by means of mobile devices such as tablets or phones. Being able to post, accept and manage jobs, and to read and reply to messages while on the run will make it easier to achieve the common goal of breaking down language barriers and building up the transfer of information to those who need it.
New user manuals
Two new user manuals aimed at improving your TWB experience have been released: