Activity Since 2011, when the Translators without Borders Workspace powered by started running, to the beginning of December, our
Translators without Borders’ Words of Relief network is playing a vital role in the Ebola crisis – by helping to
NGO clients can share their glossaries and references NGO clients can share glossaries, lists of acronyms, style guides and other
I have just returned from my twelfth Kenya trip since November 2011. As always it was a great pleasure speaking
"Great oaks from little acorns grow"... a wonderfully evocative saying!  We can easily envisage the world of translation as a is a non-profit partnership of technology companies using their technical expertise to help people around the world gain access
Translators without Borders (TWB) was founded on the belief that information, provided in an understandable language, can save lives in
This year, Translators without Borders was very lucky to have the support of a number of translators and translation companies
Meet Zbyněk Táborský – Zbyněk is a Czech translator for English and French, and a Translator without Borders. Hi, Zbynek!