Norlha lofo
Norlha was founded in 2005, in Switzerland, and today has delegations in several European countries. This secular NGO, whose membership
Allison Kozicharow, Board Member, WiRED International Health Information and Education  "Language is central to all of our educational efforts. Health
Words received and delivered After receiving in February a record 873,735 words to be translated in the Translators without Borders
We have introduced some new processes and capabilities for the Workspace. Please let us know what you think! Service agreements
With some 275 lawyers working in 11 major US cities and a network of affiliates around the world, Epstein Becker
Norlha was founded in 2005, in Switzerland, and today has delegations in several European countries. This secular NGO, whose membership
In the spring, we conducted a comprehensive survey of the Translators without Borders volunteer translators, receiving 440 replies (about 30%
Caroline Ahlquist took on the role of Translators without Borders’ (TWB) international marketing intern from January–July 2013. She was interested
Wikipedia, Translators without Borders, and the Sum of All Human Knowledge Wikipedia's goal is a world where every single human
Swahili Translations July saw the completion by our Health Translation Center in Nairobi, Kenya, of the translation of some 250,000