Mothers in India
Translators without Borders volunteer Leandro Reis is leading a project to subtitle health films into over a dozen Indian languages
Raising funds to finance deserving projects is something every non-profit must master, and the challenge is exponential when your donors
French to English American translator, Marcia Miner is one of the skilled translators who volunteer their time for Translators without
Our Volunteer Heroes are the engine that makes Translators without Borders run. We are a completely volunteer-run organization with a
Research clearly shows that people prefer to buy products and services in their own languages (1). This is the reason that
Language Training in Kenya
Translators without Borders is just a step away from starting up a training program for healthcare translators in Kenya. And
“Access to information is a basic human right,” said former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, according to the World Bank Institute, at
During all those years I spent “almost giving” I imagined myself serving food in a refugee camp, or teaching children
Kenya Kibera slum
We’ve been invited to Kibera, Kenya’s largest slum, to talk about – of all things – translation. “We” refers to
By volunteering for TWB you are giving people in need the gift of information
I believe that for the first time in human history we are capable of sharing knowledge with everyone on this