British Medical Journal
Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, Oct. 18, 2011 Language is key to accessing information. Speakers of a dominant language such
In August 2011, Córdoba, Argentina saw its most important translation event of the year at IMTT’s 7 LTC. Translators without Borders
The Richmond High School students gather around the new poster, studying it closely. “It says something about an epidemic,” says
As East Africa faces its worst famine in 60 years, called the children’s famine because they are least likely to
Localization World
We hope that everyone is getting excited for Localization World!  We would just like to start by saying thank you
Proz logo is a Translators without Borders partner organization that provides a powerful technological platform for outsourcing translations for the NGOs
The elephant in the access to information room
When health information is not in the right language, it is useless. “Translation. Practically no one is talking about delivering