Satish Krishna

Hi, Satish! Tell us a bit about yourself and your career.

After 6 years of continuous search and almost equal to research I came into existence as a translator in 1999. None of my family members and my friends knows about this profession, with my own efforts, hard work and self-inspiration I became a translator. Since 13 years I am providing best quality translation services to all my National and International clients. I am satisfied in this profession.

What made you volunteer for Translators without Borders?

Before volunteering for TWB I used to think many times to provide my services free of cost to any non-profit organization for some good cause which helps people all over the world of my language community to lead a good and better life. So as soon as I got offer from TWB I accepted it and started working.

Any particular memorable TWB project or anecdote?

I don’t think so because each and every project of TWB whether it is big or small is very important and special for me. So I give equal importance to all projects.

You’re the only Translator without Borders in the English to Telugu. Why do you think that is? (Is there a smaller demand in that language pair, etc.?)

Yes I am the only translator in my language pair right now, but in future some more translators may join the team. It is not the thing that there is a small demand in this language, but it is because of thought of the people who want to volunteer their services to society in any form.

What issues are most Telugu assignments for TWB addressing? (to give the world an idea of the problems these populations are facing and what kind of information they need access to)

Telugu assignments which I have completed till now addresses about the Mother and child health and also about the health awareness in general for all the public.

What challenges, if any, are you facing or did you face as a Translator without Borders?

As a translator for TWB I generally face the time factor for completing the project. As a busy translator with tight schedules I have to take out time an hour or two daily to complete the work. As I don’t use any CAT tools to work it takes time for me to work on files which are used to work with CAT tools.

What do you enjoy doing to take a break from translation?

Refreshment is very important for each and every person irrespective of their profession, then only productivity increases. Whenever I get some time i spend with my two children and wife.