celebrating giti dallali on international women's day In honor of International Women's day, we tell the story of Giti Dallali.
Volunteer Translator
Tunisian researcher, Mayssa Allani insists that a cooperative approach is required when dealing with the refugee crisis in Europe. She
Volunteer translator Amine Hadjela's volunteer story
A TWB volunteer story Amina Hadjela is a great TWB volunteer story. She became intrigued by Translators without Borders (TWB) after
Majed Abo dan: Using experience for a good cause
Majed Abo dan knows what life is like as a refugee. His story is the story of how personal experience
Volunteer translator Anastasia Petyka breaks down communicative barriers when improving migration in Greece
The beginning of greek migration It was the ancient Greeks who gave us the word diaspora, meaning “to scatter or
Eleni Gayraud - one of many modern migrants
Eleni Gayraud uses the term modern migrants to describe her family. Her parents, her three siblings and she are spread around
TedxYouth@Bath: Changing the world through language
Changing the world through language Listen to Translator without Borders Executive Director, Aimee Ansari talk about changing the world through
10 million words translated in 2016
Since 2011 Translators without Borders (TWB) has translated more than 40 million words for humanitarian and development organizations, a significant
Victoria Greenword is creating awareness
Victoria Greenwood is a professional digital copywriter who has been applying her expertise to the Translators without Borders (TWB) website
Alaa Amro: I have to help
Alaa Amro is Palestinian. She has grown up among Palestinian refugees and the aid workers that support and help them.*