Translators improve lives by translating lifesaving information for people who speak marginalized languages. Those who volunteer as part of the
In one word, what comes to mind when you think about language and data collection? Challenging, expensive, necessary. These are
In September 2020 we conducted a survey of our translator community. As a community, you told us that you are
Read in English C'est uniquement en donnant la priorité aux outils de communication bidirectionnels que nous pouvons créer une communication
Two weeks after International Translators Day it’s time to acknowledge International Plain Language Day. TWB’s plain-language adviser, Kate Murphy sees
Translators play a key role in slowing the spread and supporting people through the pandemic. So much so that the
“How is coronavirus different from Ebola?” “What are the symptoms of Corona?” “How many times a day should I wash
Leaping over the language barrier with machine translation in Levantine Arabic When a language you don’t understand appears in your
Disseminating clear, accurate and accessible information in a language that people understand is critical to tackling misinformation and slowing the
This blog is also in English: 'Signage language: helping Rohingya refugees find their way.' বাংলাদেশের রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীদের আমরা যে প্রশ্নটি