Translators improve lives by translating potentially lifesaving information into often ‘marginalized’ languages spoken by vulnerable individuals. Those who volunteer for
21 February. This is the date chosen by UNESCO for International Mother Language Day, which has been observed worldwide since
Translators improve lives by translating potentially lifesaving information into often ‘marginalized’ languages spoken by vulnerable individuals. Those who volunteer for
Translators improve lives by translating potentially lifesaving information into often ‘marginalized’ languages spoken by vulnerable individuals. Those who volunteer for
If the aid sector is to communicate more effectively, we must do more than tame the rampant devspeak that Duncan
A Translators without Borders study found that access to information has improved in the Rohingya refugee response as a result
Translators improve lives by translating potentially lifesaving information into often ‘marginalized’ languages spoken by vulnerable individuals. Those who volunteer for
The expanded TWB Bangladesh Glossary app is now available for field workers and interpreters working on the Rohingya humanitarian response.
Language technology can help those in need use technology to proactively communicate and access information. We are in the midst
Simplifying and translating the rules is the first step to keeping everyone safe. Sexual exploitation and abuse remains a sad