NGO clients can share their glossaries and references
NGO clients can share glossaries, lists of acronyms, style guides and other reference documents with the volunteer translators working their projects. This will reduce inconsistencies, thereby improving the quality of translations. Multilingual glossaries could be contributed by some terminology-addicted translator as part of the volunteer work performed.
Users with an NGO client administrator profile can upload files that will be available on all active jobs for the client. To do so, go to the profile icon in the upper-right corner of all pages, select ‘Business settings’ and then ‘File manager’ in the left side menu.
Translate API now available
A new feature is available on the Translators without Borders Translation Workspace powered by Humanitarian organizations with adequate technical expertise can now integrate their own software with ours in a way that helps automate the translation process. The new “Translate API” can be used to send text or documents to the platform for translation, and then to route the translated work back to your system when it’s complete.
More information can be found in the Translation Center, by clicking in a dedicated menu option in the top dropdown menu. The API is currently experimental. Humanitarian organizations that are interested in trying it out should contact us at
New ‘post-assignment instructions’ field
A new field has been added to the form used for the creation of new work orders. Labelled ‘Post-assignment instructions’, it is located below the ‘Notes or special instructions’ field. Instructions posted in this new field will only be shown to the assigned translator(s) after acceptance, while those posted in the ‘Notes or special instructions” field are visible to all notified translators.
This feature is being used by a Humanitarian Organization that has their own translation platform and that post part of their translation needs in the TWB Workspace. They are now using this new field to let the translator know how to access the file for translation in their platform, and the task is marked as complete once it was completed there. Other creative uses are possible.
Video on the screening platform
A brief video explaining our translator quality assessment tool can be viewed here This tool enables us to objectively review test translations by Translators without Borders volunteers.
The reviewers operating in the screening center are not visible to the public, but they make an amazing contribution to Translators without Borders by activating the main mechanism used for bringing new volunteer translators to the TWB operation.
New control panel for the Wikipedia project
A new control panel has been created for the Wikipedia project at This new panel includes automatic statistics on subject matters (articles and summaries) and also on target languages.
Remember the upper-right corner
It is important to remember the very important resources that can be found in the upper-right corner of all pages in the translation center.
A drop-down menu allows users to view and edit their profile, and to log-out from the platform. The “?” button provides access to user manuals explaining the use of the platform.