Dr. Subas Chandra Rout is translating knowledge to help even more people
How does an orthopedic surgeon find the time to volunteer to translate 315,000 words of medical information - and why?
Maria Bountali: A Rapid Response Team story
a TWB Rapid Response Team story It has often been said that a picture paints a thousand words. For Maria Bountali,
Maria Roussou is one of the many translators we celebrate on International Translation Day
International translation day Today we celebrate International Translation Day, a day to recognize the incredible contribution that translators make to
The TWB mission is to break down language barriers, e.g. with our Words of Relief program
The TWB Mission: breaking down language barriers The Mission of Translators without Borders is to create a world where knowledge
The universal language of technology
The Uber driver told me his 80-year-old grandmother would only accept M-Pesa as payment. She sells bananas up-country. The Uber
Language opens doors
In September 2015, millions of people around the world were appalled at the image of a police officer carrying the
By volunteering for TWB you are giving people in need the gift of information
THE GIFT OF INFORMATION I grew up in a village in rural Kenya. In this village, many people had little
Salam believes that you can lend a hand and thereby make a difference
This is the story of a woman who wanted to lend a hand for a greater good. Salam Khalifeh completed an
 Selima ben Chagra “I think the world has a lot more to offer to refugees than it is currently giving
Asian Absolute is a valuable in-kind sponsor
Collaboration with in-kind sponsor Asian Absolute Asian Absolute, the language services company, has been a valuable in-kind sponsor to Translators