Welcome to the TWB resource library. Here you will find recent and archived publications relating to our international development and humanitarian work. Explore our publications, including research reports, learning from our response to emergencies, videos of our work, and more.
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Bridging the gap – Executive summary
Translators without Borders begins the Journey to Scale
Language & comprehension barriers in Greece’s migration crisis – Executive summary
Rohingya Zuban
Language barriers in the humanitarian response in northeastern Nigeria
Response to the Rohingya refugee crisis
TWB general factsheet
Words of Relief – Local language translation for emergencies
Information without understanding, rights without meaning
Field guide to humanitarian interpreting and cultural mediation
The power of speech
Putting language on the map in the European refugee response
Γλωσσικά εμπόδια και δυσκολίες κατανόησης στη μεταναστευτική κρίση της Ελλάδας –Πληροφοριακό γράφημα
Información que no se entiende, derechos que no significan nada
Barriere di lingua e di comprensione nella crisi migratoria – Riassunto Esecutivo
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