Welcome to the TWB resource library. Here you will find recent and archived publications relating to our international development and humanitarian work. Explore our publications, including research reports, learning from our response to emergencies, videos of our work, and more.
Found 199 Results
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Hospital cleaner as interpreter: language and cultural awareness in Rohingya access to health care

Talking effectively and respectfully about gender-based violence in Rohingya communities

Bridging community and humanitarian approaches to sexual and reproductive health in Rohingya communities

Fat and healthy – Rohingya parents’ knowledge of child nutrition

Finding the right words: PSEAH terminology testing in Dohuk and Kirkuk, Iraq

Majhis’ role in sharing information in the camps

Imams’ role as sharers of information in the camps

Complaint and feedback mechanisms are missing the voices of women and people with restricted mobility

How Rohingya people think and talk about mental health

Rohingya information preferences and perspectives

TWB refugee response glossary for Greece

Mozambique Cyclone Gombe: Crisis language map

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (German)

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (Slovak)

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (Hungarian)

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (Romanian)

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (Russian)

Humanitarian Guide to Interpreting (Ukrainian)

TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – UK

TIP SHEET Interpretation and sensitive topics – SK

TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – RU

TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – RO

TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – PL

TIP SHEET Interpretation and sensitive topics – HU
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