Welcome to the TWB resource library. Here you will find recent and archived publications relating to our international development and humanitarian work. Explore our publications, including research reports, learning from our response to emergencies, videos of our work, and more.
Found 44 Results
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Language characteristics and perspectives of long-term Rohingya refugees
Getting information to Rohinyga women in the camps of Cox’s Bazar
Supporting humanitarian communication: What role does a dedicated ‘common service’ play in community engagement and accountability?
Rohingya refugee crisis response – an update
What Matters? Humanitarian Feedback bulletin
TWB’s Rohingya Zuban report
Response to the Rohingya refugee crisis [VIDEO]
How to download TWB’s WASH glossary to your Android or iOS device [Bangla]
How to download TWB’s WASH glossary to your Android or iOS device [English]
Rohingya language factsheet [Bangla]
Rohingya language factsheet [English]
Discussing WASH in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues [Bangla]
Discussing WASH in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues [English]
Discussing gender in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around gender issues
Discussing disability in the Rohingya language
Discussing nutrition in the Rohingya language
Discussing education in the Rohingya language
A healthy discussion: Rohingya language guidance for healthcare workers
TWB glossary for Bangladesh
TWB glossary for Myanmar
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