- #13091 (no title)
- About Us
- Activités de TWB en République démocratique du Congo
- Afghanistan Community Radios by main broadcast language
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- ALNAP | Innovation in humanitarian action
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- Asóciese con nosotros
- Assessment: effective Ebola communication requires respect and transparency
- Bangladesh and Myanmar: language needs across borders
- Capacity Building
- Colombia language map
- Communications Senior Officer
- Community & Recruitment Intern
- Comprehension matters: The power of communicating in different languages and formats to reach vulnerable women in Northeast Nigeria
- Cookie Policy
- copy of Home New 8/1
- COVID-19 Community Translation Program
- COVID-19 Corporate Appeal
- COVID-19 Partner Application
- COVID-19 Translations
- Development Senior Officer
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- Donate in memory of Sue Fortescue
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- Donation Confirmation
- European refugee response
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- Financials
- Gamayun Project Manager
- Gamayun, the language equality initiative
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- Global Literacy Map by Gender
- Head of Development/Fundraising and Communications
- Home
- Home - New Header
- In need of words: Using local languages improves comprehension for people affected by Cyclone Idai in Beira, Mozambique
- Indigenous Languages of Nicaragua: Interactive (EN)
- Indigenous languages of Venezuela: Interactive (EN)
- Indonesia Tsunami - Crisis Language Map
- Interpreter Connect
- Join the TWB Community
- Language Data By Country
- Language Data Disparity
- Language data for Afghanistan
- Language data for Armenia
- Language data for Benin
- Language data for Bolivia
- Language Data for Cambodia
- Language data for Cameroon
- Language data for Colombia
- Language data for Ecuador
- Language data for El Salvador
- Language data for Ethiopia
- Language data for Guatemala
- Language data for Guinea
- Language Data for India
- Language Data for Indonesia
- Language data for Malawi
- Language data for Mali
- Language data for Mozambique
- Language data for Nepal
- Language data for Nicaragua
- Language data for Nigeria
- Language data for Pakistan
- Language data for Peru
- Language data for Senegal
- Language data for Sierra Leone
- Language data for Somalia
- Language data for Thailand
- Language data for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
- Language data for the Philippines
- Language data for the United States of America
- Language data for Ukraine
- Language data for Venezuela
- Language data for Zambia
- Language Data Initiative
- Language diversity in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Language is life
- Language map of Cambodia: Interactive (EN)
- Language map of DRC: Interactive (EN)
- Language map of India: Interactive (EN)
- Language map of Nepal: Interactive (EN)
- Language Map of USA West Coast Wildfires: Interactive (EN)
- Language Questions in Humanitarian Data Collection
- Languages of Armenia: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Benin: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Bolivia: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Cameroon: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Ecuador: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of El Salvador: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Ethiopia: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Guinea: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Malawi: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Mali: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Peru: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Senegal: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Ukraine: Interactive (EN)
- Languages of Zambia: Interactive (EN)
- Les quatre langues nationales de la RDC (FR)
- Localized communication minimizes the impact of Ebola in DRC
- Mayan Languages of Guatemala: Interactive (EN)
- Meet the TWB Community
- Message Shehu
- Misconduct and Fraud
- Misunderstanding + misinformation = mistrust
- Mozambique Cyclone Idai - Crisis Language Map
- New Header 2024
- Northeast Nigeria language map: individual languages
- Northeast Nigeria Language Map: Interactive
- Outreach Coordinator
- Partner with Us
- Paul's story: Ten years with TWB and CLEAR Global
- Philippines Language Map
- Philippines Super Typhoon Mangkhut (“Ompong”) – Crisis Language Map
- PSEA Survey Resources
- PSEA Survey Resources - AM
- PSEA Survey Resources - AR
- PSEA Survey Resources - BN
- PSEA Survey Resources - ES
- PSEA Survey Resources - FR
- PSEA Survey Resources - HA
- PSEA Survey Resources - PRS
- PSEA Survey Resources - PT
- PSEA Survey Resources - SW
- Researcher: language and local understanding of infectious diseases
- Resources
- Rules on sexual conduct for humanitarian workers
- Rules on sexual conduct for humanitarian workers
- Sitemap
- Smartling and Translators without Borders
- Support our multilingual COVID-19 response
- Support us
- Supporting the Rohingya response in Bangladesh
- Test page
- Test page
- Thailand Language Map
- The four national languages of DRC
- The merger between Translators without Borders and The Rosetta Foundation
- The Translation Task Force
- Translators without Borders - Kató payment form
- Translators without Borders Privacy Policy
- TWB Chatbots
- TWB Chatbots
- TWB Chatbots (dev)
- TWB Glossaries
- TWB language volunteer role
- TWB News
- TWB's Global Response to COVID-19
- TWB's response in Nigeria
- TWB’s response in Mozambique
- TWB’s work in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Une communication localisée minimise l’impact d’Ebola en République Démocratique du Congo
- Words of Relief Orientation Training
- شارك معنا
- Becoming a TWB partner
- Services for Partners
- Solutions for Underserved Languages
- TWB Kató Upgrade and Management Fee FAQ